Infinite Lists

poetic approaches to media production

Overwhelmed – By Rachel, Joseph, and Jack

The internet is a vast, yet heavily interconnected space. Social media is more prevalent now than ever before, and one of its major uses among users is for self-expression and emotional exploration. With “Overwhelmed” we aim to explore and explode what these different ways of expressing a certain mood in an online environment are, and we aim to communicate exactly what the emotion of “overwhelmed” actually is, in all its complexity. We have kept the definition of this mood quite open and poetic rather than strict and defined, as we set out to discover and investigate all facets of the term.

With “Overwhelmed” we have created a mini-network of our own that explores various social media platforms and investigates the differences between them. Using various new media mediums represent different facets of emotion, this artefact communicates themes in an abstract way, yet hopefully remains relatable to all audiences participating in “Overwhelmed”.

Click here for a sample!

Click here for the full experience!

rmitmediastudent • June 3, 2020

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