Starring: Daniel Xiang (Daniel), Yi-Chen Wang (Harry), Liam House (Liam), Georgia Cachia (Georgia) and Maddy Sola (News Reporter)


Roles: Writers – Daniel Xiang, Liam House

Producer: Georgia Cachia

Cinematographer: Yi-Chen Wang

Artistic Director: Maddy Sola

Editor: Daniel Xiang


The Story is set in the distance future. Where the concept of “Home” has become a question on everyones mind. With Australia riddled with a terrible war that is destroying the country, many people seek to escape the country and take refuge on neighbouring lands. Four Young Australians attempt to escape the War Torn Australia to seek safety and a place they can call home.

When they reach one of the neighbouring lands, they are sent to a tempoary island where refugees are being held. It is told that this place would be a sanctuary for these refugees, as the government places them on the island as the country them self are currently on full vacancy until further notice.

The government supplies the refugees with food and suvival items in order to provide them with hope that the safe future is near. However unaware of the situation the 4 Australians do not know that the governement have sent them on to the island with the sole purpose of getting rid of them. On the island the government continues to watch over the Australians and forcing them into dangerous situations. One of these dangers is the human eating tribe that is on this island. Without knowing about the situation the 4 Australians eventually run into this tribe and they start fighting for survival.

Not much is known about the outcome of these 4 Australians, except for the found surveillance and vlog footage that journalists came upon during an expedition to the island.


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