Lights Camera (Inter)Action Studio 2019

interacting to the Max

s3697093 – MARCELINE

Firstly, I want to talk about my experience of the trip to the Melbourne Museum, everything I have seen was quite an inspiration, all of them were interactive and gave me many ideas for both of my solo and group works. The final assignment was tricky, I am not going to lie. The hardest part was to keep the attention of the audience for five to seven minutes. In order to make the works attractive, we have to come up with something that is both unique and interesting at the same time.

Secondly, The courses overall were already helpful and all I need was combined everything together to create two finals awesome projects. However, our group wants to make our work stands out. We put many efforts on this project, came up with many ideas and in the end, with the attributed of everyone in our group, we had a quite stressful time however we tried to complete this task successfully. We did go to Youtube and Google for more pieces of information, Camille was really helpful, we help us a lot in many stages of our works, not to mentions, I did get him to tutoring me throughout my solo project.

I almost forgot to mention how Nick helps me with this assignment. He helps me a lot in organizing all of the objects and messages in the patch, it was so messy at first. Another great resource that not only me but everyone uses and thank you Taps for introducing me to was youtube tutoring Max videos, I can not make it without it. But the most important part goes to Camille thanks to his conscientious attitude and does not give up when I ask many silly questions. I am really appreciated for his help with this class, I can not survive without a great teacher like him.

Finally, I just want to say that, in person, I feel like the assignment is getting harder and harder throughout every stage, and the time was quite limited, I hope that the other students in the next semester will have more time to create better projects than ours. I believed that my works and the group works can be improved a lot better if we had had more time. It still has many flaws, I was hoping that maybe before we submit the final project, we can submit something like the pre-final project, and the teacher can give us some comment on the works, and what we should focus on to get extra credits.

In the end, I was proud that I have finished all the projects, and with all the knowledge I have gained throughout this semester, I could create more projects like this or even better. This course was amazing and our class was really to have an amazing teacher like Camille. Hopefully, the students who take this course in the next semester could enjoy a great time like what I am having in.

Phuong Nguyen • June 23, 2019

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