Jarrod Mcdonald

Jarrod_Alpha_channelYo! I’m Jarrod, a mildly enthusiastic and relatively inexperienced “you’re not a journalist so like one of those like website guys or something?” guy. I’ve jumped on board to Radio’s New Wave for an epic adventure (think somewhere between Homer’s Odyssey and the late night [early morning] scramble to Souvlaki King) and like a sneaky Sunday pinga chew it’s been a real eye opener. To this day it’s true, I have only ever used one side of a cheese grater (you know the one – the only one that actually grates. Picture the grater cube right there’s the really coarse one [more nightmarish to clean up than a meth addiction #notevenonce] then there’s the slicer [pointless in name and nature, the first point of call for slicing should seldom, no, never be the grater! Yeesh] then there’s the other you know, not Goodes, Rioli, Buddy – Burgoyne? [Yeah he’s part of the crew but does he really have much to offer?]. Also I’m aboriginal so that last gag was alright, or not, I’d settle for okay that’s for you to decide.

So anyway I’m thinking heck, I can’t tell football personalities from kitchen utensils how’m I supposed to record a semi-demi-professional radio feature on a government grant macbook that would be enjoyed by the cochleae of the not-so general public?

Glad you asked Jarrod have you tried this subject called Radio’s New Wave?

Yes coincidentally I’m doing a write-up on it now.

Well what did you think?

About cheese graters?

No the course?

Oh of course.

But what’s the deal with cheese graters? You only ever-

Use one side I know right? But what we-






But what I should say is this course, beyond perpetuating parenthesis proficiency and hyphen hysteria in Microsoft word 2010, has really really helped me make some work that I’m proud of and it wouldn’t be anywhere near as near competent without the help. If you had a giggle at this check ‘em out at http://adecentpub.weebly.com/ if you didn’t giggle get one from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NR3iBaN-758 then please check my website I’ll need a job some day.

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