Film Light – Reflection 10

In exercise 9, we created a scene called “Emmaline nightmare”. We used a red colour gel on a fresenel lamp to evoke the atmosphere of “nightmare” and dreamy effect. From my point of view, I do not really like the colour red because it is a scene of two people talking and I feel that Red colour tend to be more violent and suitable for portraying danger. Personally , I would prefer colour blue or green to be the effect of this dream. I feel that Rain and James can switch their positions. When they are talking, James’ face cannot be seen clearly and Rain’s face is very unreal because of the direct light on her face.

We stimulated the light from the window shop of a bus station this Tuesday. I came a bit late so I missed some part in the beginning. We did not use Fresenel light but dedo lights instead. A diffuser was used on the dedo light to make the quality of the light softer. In this exercise, I find that we have to consider lots of things. To illustrate that, the shape of the light coming from “the window” was in the shape of round in the first place. After checking the monitor, we found out the shape was not quite right and changed the shape into rectangle. Then, we set up the third dedo light to separately draw more attention on our actor. The light was set up in a very high level and light from behind to the actor. From the monitor, we saw that the light was on Jagger’s hair and his left shoulder. So we moved the dedo a bit to the left in order to make sure the light was on his face. Also, the angle of the light was important when stimulate the scene.

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