Week 11 FILM TV-1 Lecture

Choose a scene
-Whose listening
-Whose talking
-Analyse the rhythm
-The talking over (interrupting)
-Sound fx

An interesting concept for editing is showing the person whose listening in the scene, and having the dialogue being heard. We watch the listeners reaction to what the speaker is saying without actually seeing the speaker speak.

3 Way colour corrector in Adobe Premiere tutorials on Lynda

Audio editing
-Audio levels monitoring as well as hearing
-Level line
-Level nodes
-Mixing on the fly-why (raise or lower by raising the audio line)
-To mix audio you look at the audio levels on the bottom right corner of Premiere.
-You want all your peaking audio at -6 in Adobe Premiere whilst Audio mixing

snd fx
-Off the web
-Be wary of mp3s double compressed (be wary of iTunes, drag straight into premiere)

Colour grading/colour correction/shot matching
-Colour and exposure matching
-Making the image more punchy, larger than life, filmic, less video
-Sequence colour, every time you come across a clip that needs work you put it into the colour sequence. Never do it in the editing sequence.
-blacken the blacks
-saturate the colours
-Eight point Garbage Mat

200% or 50% speed. Never put the speed at 67%

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