Watts Six Degrees

Watts talks about the connection between events and how everything plays its part in shaping the world. He uses the analogy of how a simple accidental spark from a sagged transmission line can start a raging bushfire and how every action leads to another. Watts talks about what a Network actually is and how it is nothing more than a collection of objects connected to each other in some fashion. He says that all systems are networks but are distinct in their own sense.

This weeks reading got me thinking on the Butterfly effect and how everything is connected. I thought of the film the butterfly effect and how the main character went back in time over and over again to achieve an outcome he wanted, however little actions in the past affected the future in which he went into.
There is a pattern of interaction and the synchronisation of communities which affects all people differently. He discusses the six degrees of separation and the small world that we live in and how everyone is connected to each other by some form or another.


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