The Story Lab Week 5

Planning our transmedia projects this week. We have taken a lot of inspiration from what I posted on last week ( J.J Abrams “s”). We are telling the story of a young man with psychological issues who goes on murder spree at the end. We are shown the story from many peoples perspective hence transmedia. It is a way of interweaving different parts to the one story, creating a database. We are thinking of making news articles and little webisodes from others perspectives but to see the perspective of the main boy we have a more direct and personal connection.

We are creating some video logs where he tells the camera his struggles in life and what makes him angry. We tell from this that he is not 100% normal. There’s something about him. Further, we are creating a diary where he lets out his inner most thoughts, his plans for violence, people he obsesses over. In here the inner workings of our character is truly displayed and depicted. This will be different from the video logs because he isn’t opening up fully on the web. He is still trying to remain cool and likeable even though he is a lone wolf at school.

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