I just read Ella’s THINKING SPACE post and I totally agree. I too have experienced this limited feeling whilst using my laptop. It has only been recently (in the past year). I have final cut open. I have a folder of footage clips open. I have Facebook open. I have a youtube tutorial on how to do something on final cut open. Theres not enough room. I want to be able to read everything at once like when you sit on the floor and throw all your text books and papers everywhere and move things around as you please. This is what the future of laptops and computer screens need to be.

However a huge screen isn’t portable and that’s why we need holograms.

I feel like with a screen that allows me to have everything available at the one time, I’d be a lot more productive. As Ella says, there is more physical thinking space available. I know with brainstorming I always find assignments a lot easier. Using a big piece of paper to scribble ideas around allows for me to write more things down. Also seeing all that blank space motivates me to fill it. I love having one huge piece of paper to brainstorm on rather than a notebook where I am forced to write things down in a linear fashion, or once I fill up a page I need to start a new one. That is exactly the same as having tabs and minimised windows on a computer screen. The pages are there but you can’t see them all at once. You need to flip back to them to refer to previous ideas.


We need that Avatar hologram technology!




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