Unclecture #2

I found yesterdays ‘Unlecture’ to be really helpful! It really was!! Before walking into it I was still a lot confused with what I was supposed to, allowed to, or encouraged to post on this blog, but after having the question and answer session in the lecture, I feel so much more comfortable and confidant with what I can do with this course and this blog.

The discussion of some aspects of Media Law was also really interesting, and I feel like the information shared in this session will be hugely useful not only with the creation of this blog, but  also in the years to come with my media degree and work life outside of uni.

some brief notes on my thoughts of the unlecture:

  • I like how the unlecture functioned
  • I feel like it was a good way for us to get the questions we want answered, answered.
  • The more general questions were really helpful.
  • I liked the explanation of Media law
  • One suggestion of something that could be done differently in the unlecture I think is for the tutors to give us a theme or general area of topic, for us to then form questions that we would like to ask. I guess this would help make the session run a little more structured and help us think of appropriate questions to do with the theme/topic.
  • yeah, that’s pretty much all I have to say.