RWAV: Final Feature

This semester has been a whirl wind. Whether I had control over any of it, I don’t know. I’m just glad everything has finally been submitted.

I think overall our group has been very unlucky with the way deadlines have lined up. Our first live show fell in a very similar week to the individual interview and demo which left us planning frantically for the first 3 weeks. We then had a large gap in between these three assignments and our second show + the feature interview.

In regards to the feature interview, overall, I think we worked really well together as a team. At times it was hard to coordinate everyone into the same space at the same time. We often worked in smaller groups of 2/3 instead of the group of 5 together. I think mostly everyone did a good job at contributing. I felt at times I hadn’t done enough but I ended up becoming a big part of picking and choosing (editing) the clips together. I conducted an interview with Beth and Ben (this one was with Dusty as well). I think my contribution has definitely aided the team getting it in on time & in a great place in terms of quality.

The idea to make it about YouTube started with me but the we worked as a group formulate it into a topic – YouTube as a platform for developing skills & how it sits in a social media world. Our interviewees were great. I think they all provided a great insight into the world of YouTube. My favourite is probably Ben, the academic. He spoke really well and actually said some things that definitely conflicted with the other interviewees. This was particularly interesting in the sense that he talked about youtubers as being narcissists, just like other social media stars. However, this contrasted with Beth (who I know personally), as she is probably the most innocent and kind-hearted person and uses it as an outlet to get her feelings out into the world. She uses the platform to process her thoughts & at the same time, practices her craft (and she’s great at it).

I think overall the editing together of clips was great, as this definitely showed off contradictions in conversation as well as agreeances. The choice of music worked well for the feature. We attempted to get music that would be similar to a YouTube video in that the music is played underneath.    

About samanthabeniacbrooks

My name is Samantha Beniac-Brooks but I prefer Sammy. I'm studying BComm Media and am interested in becoming in a Media Presenter. I love theatre, music, celebrities and anything to do with the media. This is my blog for RMIT Media 1.
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