This is a Blog

of a media student

IM Participation Contract

What did I do well?
Throughout this semester, I believe I have maintained a fairly consistent standard of work. Some elements of this which I believe I have done well would have to surround the participation contract.
I am pleased with my ‘housekeeping’ and content management surrounding my blog – including tags and categories on my blog. I am also happy with the detail of my blogs – they’re not simple posts, they contain detail and research (I have also managed to produce nearly all of my required blog posts).
This is likewise in the readings and the lecture posts, which I have attempted to make as detailed as possible, instead of skimming over content provided. I have attempted to make all posts relevant to the course, this included talking about such things as alternative blogs and posts.
Though it was a new program for me, I believe I have tackled the Korsakow program well, undertaking in online tutorials and extra research.

What have learnt to do better?
Through the completion of this semester, and through the setting of goals and criteria in my participation contract, I believe I have improved my concentration and taking of notes throughout the lectures.
Through setting this particular criteria, it has encouraged me to remain focused on what was being said, as well as improving my attendance to the lectures themselves. This improved my overall standard of work, as I was able to draw on issues raised throughout the semester, and keep a running list of points to draw on when need be.
Obviously, I have also learnt how to use Korsakow, and have found myself enjoying the experience I have had with it.
What could you have learnt to do better?
While the points I have drawn on is something I am proud of, I feel I can do better in all areas – everyone can always do better!
I think that something I could have improved throughout this semester was the idea of discussing my own personal opinion and developing further ideas surrounding the topics covered in lectures (I don’t think I should always just agree with what is being said) and issues raised in readings – how are they relating, how can I use the information raised….
This would include relating course material to what we are doing in greater detailed, specifically in the blog posts I have created.
As always, I could always do more work outside of class that surrounds the course work – extra projects, ideas, sketches.

rebeccaskilton • May 27, 2014

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