People Everywhere

One thing that often crosses my mind when I am walking amongst other people; or particularly on the train.  Is that all these people, these strangers lead lives just ass complicated as mine; they all have thoughts, homes, and loved ones.  But for that one moment that we pass on the street or the hour we may share a train for we have something that links us.  The chances of me ever seeing these people again is not very high however this is the part which freaks me out.  There is the possibility that these strangers will one day become something very important in my life, that one day 0ur paths may cross in a more significant way.

Rainbow Lorikeet

A girl just sat down opposite me on the train with a rainbow lorikeet.  It climbs all over her and occasionally it screeches and new people on the carriage turn around to see that yes there is in-fact a bird on the train.  Most of the time it sits on her shoulder staring out the window.  She did come prepared though, and every now and then would pull out a wipe to clean up after the bird.  They rode the entire line with me and then got off at Flinders Street Station.  I though surely she will now put it in something, but no she just walked off with the bird on her hand.  People she passed had to do a double take to just make sure that yes there is in-fact a girl walking through Flinders Street Station with a bird on her hand.

Please Stop.

Sitting on the train, with a carriage full of grade nine students all the way into the city is not fun.  They are loud, physical and crowed the doors when you try to get on an off; it’s hard to imagine that I was ever like that.  Worse however is that I am sitting next to their teacher (me next to the window and her in the aisle) who has her back on me and is practically leaning on me!  She is yelling at the kids to stop talking so loud and sit up straight after which she goes back to noisily recounting her weekend activities.