Why Can’t We Just Have Both?

I gave this a little thought awhile back. Jake makes some good points, and offers a different perspective. One that I agree with completely. Subscription and cloud based services offer us something extraordinary; that is the ability to literally carry everything from the world around us in our pockets. Well, not exactly, it’s all up in the cloud (That’s also known as Council Bluffs in Iowa, USA). But still, we have access to it all in our pockets. And that’s what we need, to increase productivity, efficiency and accessibility. The potential wealth of knowledge and data available to us as beings of this earth is sensational. It’s the kind of thing that was unfathomable to most, but George Orwell, 50 years ago. And it’s great.

As Chris Anderson notes in “The Long Tail”, this accessibility also provides us access to the entire network of knowledge. It’s thanks to this huge network and the interconnectivity it yields that we have access to so many great things. I’m definitely an advocate of this. I love music. I can’t afford to pay huge dollars to go see an unknown band to satisfy my ever increasing hunger for good music. I can subscribe to Spotify though. Recommended artists. Perfect. Only problem is, sometimes I feel I get a little swamped by people like Amazon, Spotify, Ebay and their other friends. Sometimes they try and do a little more than suggest, they almost preach. They know so much about me, yet why do they still offer me the latest tracks from some pretentious hipster black metal band I clearly have no interest in? I think sometimes the only problem with these services is the network is so complex and interrelated, that sometimes things that seem relatable to you, don’t actually relate to you. There’s plenty of people out there who like The Rolling Stones and the Beatles.But there’s some who are Beatles purists and won’t touch the Rolling Stones and their “edgy” rip off of the Beatles. That’s where the computer loses. Some things can’t be predicted. While the network can help computers relate to us, it also reminds us that computers are not people.

Alois also raises valid contentions in this response. The digital and cloud technologies are less resource heavy then physical belongings, they’re simpler to store. That’s why they’re great. And I guess, for people like Alois, who only use things once, it is an obvious choice as to which kind of possession is more suitable. This is why the possibilities of technology are so exciting. For some people though, like myself, the experience that is related to the physical mediums is to rich to give up. Is it still wasteful to have a tangible possession if you use it repeatedly? I have a lot of things, and I lament it at times as space can be an issue. But I love to immerse myself in these things too much to give up on “real things”. I have lots of books, but I read them more than once. I have lots of records, but I have listened to them through a multitude of times (that number’s still counting). I have a lot of Blu-ray movies, but I watch them more than once. I’m not saying that digital possessions can’t be used more than once. But to me if it’s an experience you can repeatedly enjoy, I do not see it as a waste.

I guess that brings us to the crux, and my initial statement. I talked about this a while back, and it’s something I support. I can’t see a reason why it wouldn’t be viable in the market. It’s a great idea. Physical books being accompanied by a download for a free ebook version. One of the reasons I haven’t given up my physical possessions is that when I buy a lot of them (most vinyl records, all blu-rays, etc) is that they come with a digital version. I have a beautiful tangible object that yields an experience that is more intimate and irreplaceable, but I also have a convenient and accessible version that I can take with me wherever I go. I think this is the path to go down for the future. Sell digital content of all medias on its own. But sell physical versions with a digital interpretation. It would help propel the digital industry and help connect more people to the network, while still embracing the traditional experience based medium.

Hypertext, Books and Death

Every fire needs a little kindling. Photo: Alienratt

Today’s symposium yielded a number of very relevant and intriguing discussion points. Elliot, Brian and Adrian provided some concrete knowledge from different perspectives regarding the nature of hypertext in itself. Brian’s point on hypertext not being a new “idea” but simply making used of pre-existing technologies, I felt, was an essential component of putting hypertext into context alongside the relevant theory we have explored in this subject and others. It is also important to note that hypertext interacts with different media mediums differently, and different forms work more effectively with different modes and mediums than others. I found Adrian’s link to Wolfgang Ernst’s idea of hypertext being more relative to music than print media to be an interesting perspective that helped to understand the very essence of hypertext and it’s relation to other media formats.

Jasmine reinforced for me the ideas that I expressed in my blog assessment essay – that blogging can be relevant if no-one reads it, given that the space is used appropriately for reflection and critical analysis and noting of one’s own practices and behaviours. It is also a great way to practice writing, and more specifically as Adrian noted, as a way of practicing writing to a speculative audience. When you start to write something good, the audience will come, as long as you put it out there and perform the appropriate transactions – links.

Onto one of my favourite moments for the lecture, being the morbid and often frightening discussion of death. More specifically, the death of books. Adrian raised good points, in that books are now only important because of their relationship with literature, and that in one sense, books are dead (look at how many textbooks, manuals, cookbooks, etc that are online, or e-books instead of physical books). In this sense, the equation and balance between convenience and experience have to be measured. For something like a manual or a textbook, or an academic essay the ease of access and convenience comes first. Even perhaps, for literature and fiction convenience may come first. But for those with interests closely tying into the experience that a book provides, the book is still very relevant. Personally, I like nothing more than to relax and read a good book, made of fine quality paper, with a nice leather binding and crisp pages. The experience is too rewarding for me to give that up. There’s also the collectors factor. I have books that I have collected not only because of the stories within, but because of the very object themselves too, being desirable.

On one final note I want to take a second to think about the health behind books and e-books. I for one, know that I sleep better after having read a book on paper, rather than screen. There’s plenty of evidence out there to suggest that screens do not allow your eyes to relax before sleep, which can significantly affect the effectiveness of your rejuvenation during sleep. Not only this, but as someone with poor sight, sometimes I struggle to focus on a screen. Paper holds the perfect contrast between black and white, but it is softer. It’s easier for my eyes to focus on, therefor the content of the read becomes more digestible.

With that, I can say that I’m a firm believer in books. But it’s also nice to be able to have a convenient portable version of a book. Maybe the book industry could take a page from the music industry and provide free e-book downloads with physical purchases. That’s something I would find very useful and could be a major factor in determining whether I buy a book or not. Is it economically viable for publishers? That’s not for me to know. Time to do some research.


Classic Fiction; Contemporary Culture

Over the past eight months I have been making moves to eradicate a number of gaps that were present in my life. Unlike a lot of children and teens, I was never really exposed to the classics that much. I’m not blaming my parents or anyone involved in my upbringing, because it was partly due to my childish indifference to old frayed books about boring adventures. With the exception of Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, I have pretty much grown up on contemporary teen fiction and adult fiction. So why did I decide that I was missing out on something? I think the classics – although sometimes they can be abused – are great in grasping an understanding of the evolution of society and storytelling in general. That’s not to say that I think a library should only consist of classics – far from it. What I do think, however, is that they should be incorporated into the dietary intake of your brain as part of a healthy balanced book-diet.

Reading books of all kinds is food for your ticker. Take our man Teddy Roosevelt here. Reading books helps you to increase your literary skills, broaden your vocabulary, assist in social relations and networking (If you know more stuff you can connect with more people) and there’s nothing better than a good story. With that being said, I think it’s important to consider the classics, they teach us about society; and not just the society that made them. There are perfect examples of human behaviour and communities in age old books that are still completely relevant today. Speculating the future possibilities is one thing, a firm grasp of history and society is its counterpart. They’re two things that go together. Like Jack and Jill, Yin and Yang, Starsky and Hutch, McCartney and Lennon (Okay, that one didn’t work out so well in the end, but you get my point).

Since March this year I’ve managed to get my nose inside twenty different books. Some of them classics, some of them autobiographical, some of them contemporary. I’ll give you an insight into each of them and how I relate the knowledge, experiences and stories inside them to life. Some of them are just purely a great entertaining read.



The Hobbit – J. R. R. Tolkien

A timeless classic. I’m reading this again at the present. Thrills me every time I read it. It’s about adventure, fantasy and the wonders of the world. It does have some dark undertones in places, but primarily it’s an inspiring and uplifting tale of adventure. Tolkien managed to pour so much of the world and society into his Middle Earth. It’s essentially a history for an alternative world. With almost as much depth as the real world. The relationships between characters, races and the real world is astounding. Tolkien emphasises the little guy, that everyone can achieve greatness – size matters not. There’s a value for everyone in the world. That’s the underlying message I get from this book.


A Song of Ice and Fire (Series; 5 parts; 7 books) George R. R. Martin

Contemporary adult fiction at its most extravagant and explicit best. This ones more about the entertainment value then any strong social messages. Although one thing is clear. Martin really dwells on the fact that the world is full of evil and the good guy loses. As fans of the hit television series Game of Thrones have painfully found out, Martin has a thing for killing the hero. It’s not a bag thing though, it sets you up for a real suspenseful and entertaining read.

“I want my readers, and i want viewers to be afraid when my characters are in danger, I want them to be afraid to turn the next page because the next character may not survive it.”

It certainly works. Combined with some complex political relations and family feuds (clearly some real world historical inspirations in there), it’s a story that you can really get your brain working through.

“Westeros is probably closer to medieval Britain than anything else. Geographically, it occupies a somewhat similar position off a larger contintent, although Westeros is considerably larger and is, in fact, a continent itself, more like South America. And although I’ve drawn on many parts of history, the War of the Roses is probably the one my story is closest to. “

Animal Farm – George Orwell

A witty, insightful and creative representation of communism and Stalin’s control over Russia and the Soviet Union. Orwell presents the allegorical “animal farm” as a way to express his beliefs regarding the dictatorship that Stalin held over Russia. An entertaining read in itself, the story follows the uprising of a collection of farm animals and the transformation of their rebellion (intended to overthrow the tyrant that was the farmer), into a new style of dictatorship (All the while the leaders [the pigs], attempt to convince the animals that it is in their best interests. I think this is an essential read in understanding the development of fiction as well as some of the major social and political issues that were affecting the world during the early 20th century.

“Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power.” – George Orwell


Photo: Giacomo

1984 – George Orwell

A political, dystopian, science-fiction. Orwell speculates what the world might be like 40 years in the future (1984). Another 30 years down the track and the scary thing is that a lot of the concepts he proposed and discussed during the novel are in effect. Focusing on surveillance, government spying and controlling of thoughts and civilian brains, 1984 can be closely related to the possible futures the world faced if dictatorship won through in the end.

“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”

The novel focuses on controlling the populous by leading them to believe they are in a constant state of war with one faction or another. With major issues revolving around the constant erasing and re-writing of history and changing the world, the people are led to beleive whatever Big Brother (the overlord of the faction) says.

“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”


Photo: Alpha

 Around the World in 80 Days, Journey to the Center of the Earth and Around the Moon – Jules Verne 

I’ll wrap these three up in one to save space and time. Three books based around adventure and exploring. They each promote a belief in the fantastical and confidence. From making a record breaking journey around the world, to finding a hidden oasis at the core of the earth and journeying around the moon in a space craft. These stories were all written in the 19th century before many of the technologies used were a possibility. Verne speculates the possibility of travelling to the moon, and journeying inside the core of the earth. These novels, like Tolkien’s also focus on the themes of adventure and the ability for normal people to do incredible things.

What’s most interesting about these novels is the way they shaped science fiction. Although not pure science fiction, they are speculative and concentrate on fantastical sci-fi elements such as space travel and underground oasis’s. These would be great stories to tell to children, before they find out about science. To unlock some creative and speculative abilities, making the content all the more extraordinary.


Catch 22 – Joseph Heller

This one got my head going alright. I was actually still trying to get my head around the temporal structure and unity of time til about 3/4 through the book when I forgot about time and just absorbed what was going on. It’s a war satire which really pokes a finger at all of the things that are wrong with the processes of war. Published in the 60’s, a time when war was perfectly relevant (Think Vietnam), the book takes its name from the paradoxical term “Catch-22”:

“a problematic situation for which the only solution is denied by a circumstance inherent in the problem or by a rule,”

It’s funny, entertaining and saddening at times, but definitely worth a read. It’s structure and style are interesting enough to warrant a read itself. It takes great depth in explaining and exploring the different personas and individuals who are involved in fighting the war. The explicit nature of the book even took my by surprise at times.


The Great Gatsby – F. Scott Fitzgerald

The classic American novel, is it not? With the release of the film (Which I thoroughly enjoyed), I decided it was time to jump on the bandwagon and finally read about the Great Gatsby himself. Plot wise, the movie follows it almost word for word. The difference I think is the underlying themes in the book. The critique of society that doesn’t quite come through as strongly in the movie.

What I found most interesting in the book was the character Gatsby himself. Like Nick Carraway, the narrator of the story, I was intrigued by Gatsby and respected him but at the same time found he was the worst thing that could exist. Interestingly enough, Gatsby was never intended to be the focus of the story. Fitzgerald pictured Tom Buchanon as the main character.  (Or at least that’s what the notes at the beginning of my book told me). I can’t imagine the book would of been as successful as it was and become a classic without the focus on the intriguing character of Gatsby.

For anyone, regardless of whether they watched the film and enjoyed it or not, I recommend giving the book a read. It’s certainly not lacking in thematic content and social values.



SLASH – Slash w/ Anthony Bozza

I’m a sucker for a good Rock N Roll autobiography. The crazier the better. “It seems excessive… But that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen” is the tag-line. This one’s full of all sorts of tales of sex, drugs, police and rock n roll. As someone who’s also read biographies from Slash’s comrade Nikki Sixx (Motley Crue) and Steven Adler (Initial drummer of Guns N Roses – Who knows who drums for that band now days), it’s interesting to hear some different opinions bounce back and forth about certain people and events. Although mainly just an entertaining and interesting insight into Rock N Roll, there’s some good life messages down there, and its certainly got some good sentiments about finding your passion and going for it.


My Appetite For Destruction – Steven Adler

I’ll leave this one short. It’s the same story as Slash with a different perspective. This is coming from the guy who got kicked out of the band. Plus the battle’s with depression and drugs that came with it. I found this one to be a bit more of an attention seeking story for sympathy to try and get his name straight, but it was still interesting to say the least.


The Heroin Diaries – Nikki Sixx 

Pardon my french, but this one was absolutely ******* mental. A series of journal entries over an extended period during the height of Nikki Sixx’s heroin addiction. Certainly doesn’t promote drugs, but packs a bunch of entertaining and extreme stories. For instance, in the first few days of the journal, Nikki has already been crouching naked with a shotgun under his Christmas tree to try and protect himself from the gnomes that are attacking his mansion. Brilliant.


Overkill: The Untold Story of Motorhead – Joel McIver 

I love the work Joel McIver has done, he presents a decent study of bands and musicians with a good balance of analysing their releases and telling stories. For me this one was great because Motorhead is a band I didn’t know much about aside from the music and Lemmy. This one is particularly interesting if you’re interested in how the music industry screws over musicians.


White Line Fever – Lemmy Kilmister 

A beautiful autobiography that is just pure entertainment. The fact the Lemmy just doesn’t screw around is brilliant. His attitudes and ideas are exquisite. For someone who’s been jacked up on drugs his whole life he actually has a pretty damn good grasp over business, history and society. Insightful and full of wisdom, but also full of entertaining stories. An explicit no bull account of an incredible icon of rock n roll.


I am Ozzy – Ozzy Osbourne

I read this one before I went and saw Black Sabbath back in May. The founding and roots of Black Sabbath has always eluded me so this was an interesting insight into the band, but also a fantastic exhibition of how things look from the eyes of the stars instead of the media. Features all the important stories about Sharon, the police, The Osbourne show, Sabbath and the tragic death of Rhandy Rhodes. It’s good to see people with some emotional intelligence and integrity behind the scenes.


To Live is to Die – Joel McIver

The most comprehensive analysis of the life of Cliff Burton (Metallica’s deceased bassist from their original recordings). Full of undertones of good characters and inspiration, McIver discusses Cliff’s upbringing and the impact his parents decisions had on him. Often regarded as one of the nicest and most genuine people the music scene has seen, it gives you a good idea of what shapes someone with incredible character and integrity. Recounts the events that lead to his death (Bus crash in Europe), and even speculates how Ciff’s death affected the future of Metallica and metal music.


Justice For All: The Truth About Metallica – Joel McIver

McIver does it again with a knowledge packed account of the band and their history. For me the most interesting part were the issues discussed regarding the Napster incident, particularly fan opinions of the band since this incident and the public’s opinion of Lars. It really changed my ideas on a number of key issues and helped shape the way I think about the music industry. As someone who loves Metallica, this is something that can’t be skipped.


Book Worming

A good place for a worm like me. Photo: Raul Lieberwirth

I love books. I also love hearing things like this: Robinsons Bookshop in Frankston voted Victoria’s most popular seller. It’s great to see books still doing there thing and keeping alive in this e-dominated world. This bookshop is the closest traditional bookstore to me, so this is fantastic news that touches and warms my heart – what’s even better is it is completely relevant to what Adrian and Brian touched on in the Symposium.

One only has to keep up with the news to see that book stores aren’t doing to well out there. As a matter of fact – the big ones are all shutting down in Australia. Here’s some articles from the ABC, The Sydney Morning Herald and one from the Age about book giants Angus and Robertson and Borders closing up shop and moving conveniently online to bookworld.com.au to make a living. So why are independent bookstores still alive? How are they weathering the storm? Well according to Ms Horman who owns Robinson’s, they’re not shrinking their physical and retail presence; They’re expanding.

We want to grow. We are not following the trend of some bookshops because we feel confident in what we are doing and feel that the public still want books and they want bookshops

Instead of shutting down stores, they’re opening more stores? So what makes this possible. Well, from what I can gather, Robinsons and other independents out there are offering something that online stores such as Amazon can’t: a satisfying customer service experience and an exceptionally personal in-store experience. Buying books from a retail outlet is always going to cost more than Amazon or any online service. That’s where Borders and co. went wrong. Their prices were just as steep as any small book outlet, but their service was rubbish, there was no experience. Why would anyone pay more to put up with horrible waiting times and poor customer service, especially when they can order with ease and security with a few mouse clicks – even less if you’re automatically signed into Amazon.

So that’s what we want. That’s what we have to do in order to satisfy a public and society who’s expectations are on the rise and who can’t get no satisfaction. Let’s follow the example of Robinsons. Exceptional customer service. Personal customer service. Taking care of your customers. Providing a friendly and warm cafe and coffee shop in store. The stores aren’t busy, they’re intimate, you get one on one customer service and all the help you need. It’s warm, cosy, just like home. It’s a place to meet fellow book lovers. These are the kind of examples we should live by. This a great case study into what makes something successful.

We can all learn something from Robinsons. Sometimes doing things the old-fashioned way is better. And I think that with our generation, the world will become more experience based, to make up for all the experiences we’ve missed out on during our childhood.


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