Mess and Me

Tony worries about the mess. So what do you think the mess asks of you? Turn it around. I mean that seriously. I see someone who doesn’t speak Australian. Mate. To me, their language is a mess. Do I try to think what this ‘mess’ is asking of me, or do I tell them, loudly, they’re a mess, and learn Australian, mate. I see mess on the floor. Do I leave it for someone else to clean up (hey, it isn’t mine), or do I do something about it? I watch a film that I think is a mess, do I want to learn how to unravel and hear this mess, or just treat it as rubbish (there goes, let’s see, original responses to Godard, Marker, a lot of the French new wave, let alone literature with Joyce and Dickinson, and lets not forget the entire history of rock music).