Texts and Hypertexts

Isn’t it interesting the way text has transformed over time and taken many forms throughout history in the transfer of information? From text used as a method of recording information (in the case of scribing), as a medium for signalling or illustrating particular situations (in the case of signs), as a means of creating stories, sharing fiction and non-fictional texts (in the case of novels), and as a means of communication (in the case of the letter and later digital messaging). Text is a large part of modern human existence and as highlighted by Jay Bolter, the structure of text has also evolved throughout history. The post 1960s electronic text structure has enabled the use of hypertexts, which are defined as a text that contains links to other texts. This concept is interesting considering it transforms text from a material that communicates information in one way or another, to a gateway into new information. Hypertexts are the basis of contemporary digital literacy and embedded (no pun intended) throughout the entire functionality of the internet as we know it.

What exactly is hypertext you ask?

Here you go                             — (a little bit of free self promotion can’t hurt)


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