week 11: initiative: Buzzfeed Letdown

for as long as i can remember i have used buzzfeed, its been there for me every time i need to procrastinate and if ill be honest when i was leaving school my goal was to work for them. HOWEVER recently after a long buzzfeed vacation i logged on and noticed that one of the same people i was used to following were working for buzzfeed anymore. plus the content had changed from funny and informative things to pick a cheese and we’ll tell you when you’re gonna get married? i was really disappointed and upset that those friendly faces had been replaced by some other faces i did not recognize. so  did some research to find that most of these people had moved on because buzzfeed could accomodate their individual creative needs, and also owned all their personal content they made for the company. its upsetting that they left but ive since found their personal spaces to follow them and to be honest they’ve taken the hilarity with them and that makes me happy. Laters buzzfeed.

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