SMP Diary Week 9

The practitioner in my chosen field I want to talk about is Ryan Murphy, and he is one of the most successful producers in this world. Ryan Murphy has produced a series fascinating tv series and almost all his works received a good reputation. There are many his works such as Glee, American Horror Story, American Crime Story, Feud and Pose has won the Emmy Award. His work not only focuses on the commercial value but also full of the humanistic concern, each of his works is showing ‘his distinct stamp and sensibility’ (The Guardian 2018, Para. 4).

As a producer, Ryan Murphy’s works involves many fringe themes such as gays, geeks and addicts, and the audience often resists him. But I think the most valuable thing he did is he never label his characters when showing and analysing them, and Murphy to explore the sociality behind them. Ryan Murphy is ‘like a wild guest at a dinner party, he’d lifted the table and slammed it back down, leaving the dishes broken or arranged in a new order’ (The New Yorker 2018, Para. 17).

It is undeniable that Ryan Murphy is good at showing the character’s embarrassment, confusion, and pain when they experience self-awareness through the storytelling. His understanding of his characters will be expressed uniquely. Many people said the reason why Ryan Murphy can be influential is the violence, blood and sex scene in his works, but the aesthetic level and the avant-garde awareness in his work is worth remembering and discussing more than the sensory stimulation. ‘ His legacy is not one standout show but, rather, the sheer force and variety and chutzpah of his creations, which are linked by a singular storytelling aesthetic: stylized extremity and rude humour, shock conjoined with sincerity, and serious themes wrapped in circus-bright packaging’ (The New Yorker 2018, Para. 20).

Therefore,  Ryan Murphy inspired me to focus on the creativity, but at the same time, also to ensure the completion of the essential work in a project as a producer. And more importantly, the industry requires a producer to keep trying and break the traditional rules. Just like Ryan Murphy said, ‘You just have to be bold, and I think you have not to be afraid of the word no’ (Daily Bruin 2017).



Nevins, J 2018, ‘American success story: how Ryan Murphy became Netflix’s $300m man’, The Guardian, 16 February, Viewed 25 September 2018, <>.

Nussbaum, E 2018, ‘How Ryan Murphy Became the Most Powerful Man in TV’, The New Yorker, 14 May, Viewed 25 September 2018, <>.

Mazzucato, O 2017, ‘Q&A: ‘Glee’ creator Ryan Murphy discusses industry success’, Daily Bruin, 1 March, Viewed 25 September 2018, <>.

SMP Diary Week 8

In our project Dear X, we try to explore the how the fictional story attracts the audience to participate through trans-media platform.

Overall, we changed the primary platform for our project Dear X, and now the primary platform is an interactive website which created by Klynt. During the WIP presentation, we presented the pre-production work we have done, the shooting and post-production process, and how we create the interactive website. Furthermore, we showed the interactive site to tutor and classmates, they all think the website is quite interactive and exciting. The different video will be played by clicking different items in the room, and we made the button which the user can go to the character’s social media directly on each page to have further participation. And the tutor and classmates, they all like the selfie video on the website, it makes the audience more immersive and full of the sense of participation. Therefore, we will add more selfie video of character in the future.

And next, we will finish all post-production work in two weeks including renting a host to make the website public. And then keep posting the Twitter posts to develop the story and engage the audience.

SMP Diary Week 7

With the employed demands for employees are getting higher, the competitive pressures in the media industry are gradually increasing. We need a more professional folio, showreel and website to get a better overall impression as the employee, also directly reflects on our feedback on competitiveness and personal ability.

Therefore, the first is to determine the purpose of the folio, showreel and website. The works are the most favourable evidence as a standard reference for the work experience, also one of the critical factors for success. On the one hand, the portfolio can show the results of the work experience, on the other hand, it can prove the working attitude and professional skills.

Secondly, the detailed format of the portfolio is also one of the elements that can display the profession, for example, a video file should be applied to most video software for employers to view. I learned in my part-time work experience that to remember to send a variety of different formats to the clients and boss which can be applied to different laptop systems and platforms to avoid reworking. Another example is trying to use horizontal version if the folio is a collection of images, because the other forms of images may cause problems such as large files, unfavourable full-screen viewing, poor page-turning experience, and difficulty in controlling the length range.

Lastly, the displayed order is also essential, I have seen many showreels from friends or classmates, no matter they are doing pre-production or post-production, but they do not know how to classify and sort their portfolios correctly. The most strongly related works according to the career goals should be classified firstly, followed by the direct or indirect connected works, and the practised works should be placed at the end. Moreover, it must put quality before quantity when selecting the works, and try to ensure that the beginning and ending are both excellent works.

Overall, to present the showreel professionally, not only need to accumulate good works continually but also need to know how to adjust the details of the showreel according to different employers and occupations to achieve the best results.