
I shall mostly be writing from my green bedroom… with timtams by my side.

September 10, 2013
by my-yenau

My first election !

Yes, yes politics woo ! Over the weekend i posted my first vote as a adult ! I voted for Labor but of course unless you’ve been living under a rock Tony Abbott and the Liberals took out the race. Dear goodness the next few years should be fun… Lets not get into how i feel about him because theres already enough facebook pages that covers my thoughts pretty well. Anyway i voted like actually voted properly because i value my right my privileges. so to those of you who drew penis’ or voted for some made up crap damn you!! you had the power to influence our nation you lazy buggers.

August 27, 2013
by my-yenau

Fall to Rise or Rise to Fall?

Chris Anderson’s The Long Tail reading has achieved what many have failed to do.. interest me. For the first time i found myself actually just casually reading and not having to force it and so i write this post with much more enthusiasm than usual.

Finally ! Not everything mainstream, popular, in fashion is good ! Everyone has different taste in music, movies and well anything. I could not agree more with what Chris has written about, i couldnt of written it better myself (not that i could’ve)

1. Make everything available.
Holy shit yes, i do enjoy the odd few blockbuster movies and thats when i visit the cinemas to watch them. But i mostly light other low key sort of movies independent films if you will. But i tell you what finding a physical copy of such films is a task for sure and my local films rentals most definitely won’t have it so i have to go to other sources mainly online to which i wont go into detail. This so called Long tail has expanded the market and created such sample from which we can now select from. HOORAY!

2. Cut the price in half now lower it.
99cents for a single is bloody damn good to me. But no only is it 99cents for the latest Justin Bieber, Katy Perry track or whatever is trending but its 99cents of less for Alt-J or Rufus or some lesser known but equally as talented artist. The demand for more and cheaper is becoming greater and so such platforms as itunes is like a goldfield filled with endless supplies of nearly everything. The price 99cents however does come at a cost, for myself i dont mind that its a digital copy with no case or anything like that but still that doesn’t stop me from buying a physical copy if i really love an artist and so it shouldnt and i dont think it does. At that price there has to be sacrifices but quality isnt really one of them so im not too concerned.

3.Help me find it.
I personally think that the online entertainment sector is in essence a marketing ploy. More often than not in this day and age if the content is somewhere online then the likelihood of it get noticed is amplified. And when anything at all gets noticed it usually spreads like wildfire. Books, movies and CD’s that are unheard of can within days be “trending” and people will rush to stores to try and get their hands on a copy.

The “online-ness” has demolished issues like geographical barriers, availability and range. But does the success of amazon, netflix and iTunes mean the death of retail stores? Blockbuster, sanity and borders have all been in rapid decline in Australia and so scare that i have to travel more than 15 km from my house to find any of the 3. In a rapidly changing and expanding industry for the “next big thing” to thrive does something else have to die to make way? This seems to be the case in the Media sector more so than in any other where anything can fall as quickly as it rose. The media industry is essentially its own worst enemy.

August 26, 2013
by my-yenau


Last week i adopted Boss from my boss 🙂 Yeah my boss has a bunny and sadly she’s moving back to Queensland where its illegal to have rabbits as pets. I already have a rabbit might i add named Harries and he’s absolutely adorable although he can be a brat sometimes. Well so when she was looking for a new home i volunteered to take on Boston, he’s a grey dwraf lop bunny and he’s so cute. Admittedly having two rabbits is hard cause they just eat, crap and pee all day but they keep me entertained and are so damn cuddly !

August 26, 2013
by my-yenau

unlecture 5.0

Unlecture, appropriately named seeing as there was one because of strikes. So i decided to make a lecture up in my mind and the symposium consisted of Ryan Gosling, Jennifer Lawrence and Spiderman. It was pretty cool.

August 20, 2013
by my-yenau

Unlecture 4.0

So the whole symposium thing was in full swing this unlecture which was pretty cool! I quite enjoyed it having questions being thrown around and debated. Every tutor had different takes on the answers all of which were valid in their own ways. The unlecture was both informative and engaging and one of the things that stuck for me was the question about the future and how far into it we should look. If i recall correctly Jasmine gave a great answer to it which was simple, not far.

I’ve noticed in this degree and more specifically in networked media that we discuss a lot about the future and appropriately so because the media industry is a rapidly changing sector but do we focus too much and too far into it? It’s always a case of being a few steps ahead and predicting how the future will look and it’s impacts on us. I know, i know its naive to be like were are living in the now and forget the future rardy rardy which is not what im suggesting but i think we should consider the now. This hit me on a personal level. I want to view this whole degree a bit more in the present if it’s possible, im not gonna let the future determine my actions now. My aim as a current aspiring “media mogul” is to learn, engage and produce in a way that will hopefully shape my short term (and maybe long term) future. Yes, ive probably contradicted myself but the point is to not think about how the future will effect me but how and what i can do now in the present to impact the future.The first year is almost already over and im still finding my feet but slowly i feel like im inching my way to something better. So right now the future is one day at a time.


August 17, 2013
by my-yenau

Calling for blood. (MA15+)

Speaking like Deb would, what the fucking fuck shitballs fuck is this shit fucken mother fucker?! Wow that felt great… im referring to or should i say profanely ranting about the 8th and FINALE season of Dexter. 7 episodes in and i can count the total number of kills by the lab geek on one hand !! ONE HAND, that is a disgrace! On the the other hand however (pun intended) the number of times that Dexter has given in to his ‘human emotions’ and gotten all soppy is way too much to speak of. Pull your socks up or should i say pull your knives out Dexter! Man up! Go for the kill dammit.

This how i currently feel about it all..

Keep your dirty judgmental thoughts to yourselves! In case you misinterpreted this is gif what i was trying to say is that this season sucks balls!

The 8th season consists of 12 episodes and so if my maths is correct (generally not) there are only 5 episodes remaining. I have no clue whats going on, the structure is a shambles and the show has deviated away from so many of the things that made the previous seasons so great. Theres no central serial killer, characters are entering and dying left right and centre. Not too mention Dexters “protege” Zac Hamilton, theres really not enough time for a sophisticated story to evolve unless…Talk of a spin off starring Jennifer Carpenter has been rife, is this the cause of the meltdown? Ive been a fan of Dexter since the beginning, yes im 18 and theres been 8 seasons that should explain why im so corrupt. But lets not get into that, for the first time the unpredictability and “surprises” the show is throwing up is unsettling in a negative way. At this point there is absolutely no indication as to how the series will end. For the sake of the show and its fans i really hope that the writers can produce something so spellbinding that they may be forgiven for a lack lustre first half. Don’t be prison break all over again ! I couldnt handle that 🙁

August 12, 2013
by my-yenau


Writing as a technology. I’ve never really considered writing to be a technology but rather an innate behaviour. But of course it’s not because innate means inborn and that’s not the case. For along as i’ve known, i’ve known how to write. But i had to learn it and now it has become second nature.

When i come to think of it writing in all forms is EVERYWHERE and i love writing! Well there was a little period in semester 1 where i didn’t and i was like…

But other than that i love writing.

“It is a method for arranging verbal thoughts in a visual space”
Just like words cannot be unspoken, writing cannot be unwritten(unless you use an eraser). The idea that writing is a form of art sorry to speak is fascinating. When you write you can visually express your verbal thoughts without speaking them, in a way it provides an alternative to actually speaking. Writing something as opposed to speaking it can create completely separate meanings and reactions even if it were the same thing. Writing is a visual representation of what goes on in our brains. It is a state of mind.. The idea that something can exist in your mind and figuratively take up next to no space yet take up pages upon pages or just in general actual space is a weird notion.

August 12, 2013
by my-yenau

Unlecture 3.0 – pointless ?

Look im gonna be honest here, majority of my posts about the unlectures have been fairly short and shady. It’s partly because im lazy but more so because of the fact that i have the memory of a goldfish. I forget everything as soon as i leave the room if not earlier so it’s difficult to write about it a week later when i can’t even remember it a few minutes after. Also i really do believe i have mild ADD..

Any who what i do recall is the use of the word “contradiction” and how although Adrian knows his shit, his fellow tutes somewhat disagreed on a few things he had to say. (the “debate” about education being a transaction was a good one). This reminds me of something Ben spoke about in the histories and technologies tute about one’s inability to be objective. Although the word exist, is it real? Can someone really be uninfluenced by their own personal feelings or opinions when presenting facts? And yet again i have no clue what this even relates to but ill try to weave something in like speculative writing… and i interpret that quite literally as being speculative in your writing. When you speculate you assume or form a theory with not much to substantiate it. Looped learning particularly mode 1 whereby your actions are motivated by the judgment of others. Both of these examples have elements of subjectivity in one way or another. I personally am being subjective right now as i say i don’t believe that you can be objective and therefore objectivity doesn’t exist. So does that make the word completely pointless..? That’s the end to this yes, pointless entry.

By the way is this speculative writing …?

August 12, 2013
by my-yenau

The week that was..

I’m gonna give you guys a run down of my not so exciting week just so you get a glimpse into my life.

Beginning from last wednesday (7th/8) because i can’t remember any further back..
-Had uni most of the day … boring train ride home
-Watched offspring and balled my eyes out like a child who’s had their lollipop stolen
-Most memorable moment: delicious chocolate fondue for dessert!

-work .. rather uneventful although i did get a box of chocolate to taste test ! 🙂
-Most memorable moment: That roadside kebab on the home !!

-holy cow…. no beef intended. work 10-6 then again 7-10:30. What?!
-drove to a friends house which was absolutely stunning which made me sad because my house is rather standard
-Most memorable moment for the wrong reason: got tricked into drinking a raw egg !! yuck (note to self salt and pepper does not make a RAW egg any tastier)

-woke up groggy, only had a few hours sleep
-watched The Spectacular Now at the forum for the MIFF
-Most memorable moment: One of the best coffees ive ever had at The Auction Room. Beauty
-Work…. got yelled at by a spectator.
-took about 5 years to decide what to wear to a friends 21st
-friends fun 21st

-Work… beginning to hate work
-Netball… got smashed and didn’t get to play a full game = angry
-went to my best friends house and tasted the chocolates. A little disappointing
-Most memorable moment: opening the box of chocolates to the wonderful smell

-got up to work on a uni project
-ran late to uni jumping on multiple trains which took me in a circe
-work again, the term workaholic enters my mind
-most memorable moment: dinner 🙂
-and now here i am writing this entry !

Thank you, thank you no need for the round of applause. What an exciting week… i really need to travel.

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