Week 8 | Good Form Studio Weekly Update

This week in our studio, we were left to our own devices as most of us are either closing in on the pre-production or starting filming. My group, Shriekers, sat in a meeting with the updated scripts for a table read to gauge the length of the scripts were enough and the substance within the scripts.


The table read was smooth as we each took roles in the script and got a good laugh at the comedy in the scripts. Overall we were happy with the scripts and we only needed a few tweaks here and there in each script to deal with making a connection with the audience and the continuity in the series. Later we talked about the content needed in each episode and what is expected of the writers in terms of content for the last remaining script still to be complete, which we weren’t happy with the content of with the first draft of it. Then we made casting decisions.


We casted all our actors and drafted up an e-mail to each of them as well as a rejection letter for those who missed out. We had a dilemma casting one of our characters Callie which we had two really good auditions for the character however we went with one of them with the other as a backup as she didn’t fit into any of the other characters. Also, one of our characters casted for Brinton, after e-mailing him he was not comfortable with ‘kissing a guy’, it was unfortunate as we felt he was by far the best audition for Brinton but as he was uncomfortable with his role we wouldn’t want an actor that wouldn’t feel that way towards the character they are playing so we decided with the 2nd best audition.

On Wednesday, we went off to our own groups for meetings again where we had another table read of the yet again updated scripts. Overall we were happy with them and would be ready to shoot these episodes as they are. With regards to the yet incomplete script written by one of the writers we briefed him on what we wanted in this script and had a base outline script ready for him for reference. In this meeting we also came up with a plan for the next two weeks. We got our costume and ‘look book’ ready as well as planning for a cast & crew meet day for the 23rd. On this day we would introduce the cast to each other with the crew and play get to know each other games so we can build chemistry within the team. We also plan on shooting our character profiles similar to Scream Queens on that day where we’d have the photo shoot and organised our crew to book the rooms, have equipment ready etc. Personally I am going to record some sample music, as a past musician, it would be a refreshing experience dusting off my guitars again to record something new for this project.


Ultimately, the week was productive in that we have a plan ready for the next couple weeks before we start shooting and finally editing. I am hoping the project goes smoothly despite the few hiccups we have had so far with the scripts. I am excited to put forward our marketing and production plans for Shriekers in the future.

About Matthew Duong

I might update here from time to time.
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