Re-filming Exercise 7

For this exercise I tried acting again. I never thought that I would learn so much about acting in this studio. Our group was very uncertain about which direction to go with this task for a start. I think a lot of that came from…

Assignment 3

Exercise 8 Exercise 7 General Thoughts Paul Schrader on Jean Renoir Exercise 9 Tom Reilly Readings Tim Barnard on Decoupage Exercise 10 Research Project: The Dolly Zoom

Research Project: The Dolly Zoom

Proposal: For this project, I would like to investigate the challenges of shooting a dolly zoom. I plan to do a dolly zoom on an object/person at a variety of different speeds and distances to research any difficulties that might arise. I would also like…

Exercise 10

For this exercise I was one of the camera operators and the main thing that I realised doing this was how much we have all learnt this semester. In just discussing what we were planning on doing with my other group mates, it was clear…

Tim Barnard on Decoupage

For me, decoupage is the relationship between the script, shots and cuts. It is how all these elements on screen flow together and it is decoupage that creates the links and develops an almost musicality to a film. I think decoupage does a lot to…

Tom Reilly Readings

Background The background of shots is something that I have actually been noticing more since we covered depth of field. It is so vital and so obvious if not done correctly. I love how some films, such as ‘Playtime’ (Tati, 1967), you can have a…

Exercise 9

I learnt a lot about camera operating in this class exercise. This was the first whole class activity where I was the camera operator and actually got to film something. Things were probably taking a little longer than they needed but apart from that we…

Paul Schrader on Jean Renoir

I found it very Interesting how two filmmakers from two completely different artistic upbringings, avant-garde vs conformist, can both have similar aesthetic preferences. I loved the part of the article about artists being able to make your life bigger. Schrader says that, when watching Rossellini…

General Thoughts

Whilst doing the readings and watching film clips in this studio, a recurring thought that I’ve had is about how great France is in making films. It seems that France is and has pretty much always been ahead of the game when it comes to…

Exercise 7

I don’t think I’ve ever edited a film that I haven’t been at the shoot for before now. I found it to be a very beneficial task. It encouraged me to really pay attention to the script. In the past when I’ve been editing my…