Week 5 Lecture Notes and Thoughts Media 1

Experimental films are art for art’s sake- non argument. Beautiful things should be beautiful in themselves. It doesn’t need to do more than that to be valuable.

The value is in the perception of the viewer but it doesn’t need to have a distinct purpose. It will affect the way that people see things, even if only slightly and only for a moment.

Everything we do and everything around us has to give us something. What does the world owe me? Not the way to think.

Sell an experience not a product. What sort of experience can I provide here?

When making something you need to think about the experience it provides, this is what people are interested in now. Times have shifted from product focus to experience focus.

Documentary is future orientated.

Korsakow makes you think differently about your role as maker.

I’m excited about this. I want to see what I can do with the strange clips I’ve taken and how I will think about these in conjunction with each other. I want to see what I can do and be creative within the limitations of what I cannot do. Also, how will the medium of i-doc alter my thought process as a creator?

A close reading is not deconstruction.