The News is a Joke week 3

This week I unfortunately was not able to attend the workshop due to personal reasons. However I do know that Group A, (the group I am in) did get together and discussed roles in the group, therefore hopefully next week I will definitely be able to know what role I am undertaking the group assignment comedy news project. I did however read this week reading, ‘the State of Satire’, which I found very interesting as it gave me a new perspective on what I thought satire was or meant. The key points that stood out to me was the National anenberg election survey found Daily show viewers no more about the real world news than non watchers, therefore people who watch comedy news to actually learn important news. A lot in this reading was about needing to make a clear distinction between humor and the political, as Mikhail Bakhtin writes of laughter as “unique in allowing social analysis, rejection and criticism.” Yet comedy has audiences question social controls, as the audience begins to resist and interrogate these social controls. The reading writes about how satire is able to take human emotions such as anger, shame or disgust and can transform those human emotions into a “useful and artistic expression.” G.K Chesterton’s opinion of satire is it “draws out the absurdity and isolates it.” However sometimes satire does not always have to be funny, as the reading states satire does require a level of sophistication as satire “provides a valuable means through which citizens can analyze and interrogate power.” These are the main aspects of this weeks reading that I found most interesting.

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