workshop reflection week 10

In this weeks workshop, after listening to one of Kyla Brettle’s podcasts, which gave us an idea of how the tutors want our end product of Project Brief 4 to be, I met up with my group, Molly and Gigi, to discuss where we were up to in terms of our audio research. To be honest, I was feeling a bit stressed, but still ok knowing our group still has plenty of time for the assignment to be due, but in this workshop we realised that none of us had actually completed the analysis research yet, and we still had some more to do on our group collaboration documents. Yet everything was ok, because my group is really good at communicating, so sorted all of this out during this workshop, as we furthermore developed our research question, and question for the Project itself, which will make the research a lot easier to complete. Therefore our group specifically divided up certain aspects of our topic we are researching to individually research. Therefore I am now researching modern fandoms, Gigi is researching older fans before Fandoms were really a thing, and Molly is researching the generational shift when it comes to fandoms and using social media online.

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