Text Version of My Pitch

(Link to my pitch)

Experiment I – Noticing through video

  • The initial question I have asked myself in the previous assignment (task two) was how I could “expand the new-found perspective that I have attained”. I think this is an important component of noticing and allows myself as a media maker to truly capture that message that I intend to share. Using this new perspective could help me shoot the ambiance of a certain location, which in this instance, is witnessing the interaction between society and nature.
  • For my first video, I decided to use my immediate surroundings as a catalyst to my prompt – it was convenient for me to be in a built-in area as I could see the interaction between man-made structures and the foliage. My goal was to notice patterns that were already out there in order to showcase it to my audience.
  • My way of observation was through glimpses of the white objects and plants. I think these two objects are a good representation of man’s interaction with nature. I believe that white is a colour that signifies us as humans and can sometimes be seen as “unnatural” in nature. Well, in my case, I would like to think that white has no contribution to what I was capturing which were trees and plants. I also chose the colour white because it is a shade that immediately stands out against nature.
  • With the second question (state the question if needed), I simply answered it by experimenting with the different settings of the camera such as the exposure, aperture and even the focal length.
  • Upon my discovery of these two different aspects of our society, I wanted to capture more of these human-like qualities whilst it was still interacting with nature, which will then be interplaying onto my next experiment. 

Experiment II – Noticing through images 

  • Moving onto the next experiment, the question that emerged from experiment #1 was how I could observe the same things in the form of an image.
  • Much like the first experiment, I had the same intentions and mindset of capturing these features of our society and displaying the communication of humans to nature and vice versa (point to the pictures/change slides)
  • However, I set myself a limitation which was only using the focal length of 35mm, to give it more of a personal feel but not too “in your face”
  • Essentially, I was aiming to capture a whole new perspective on a different medium whilst still going in with the same exact goal. 

Experiment III – Movement VS. Stillness

  • Now, for my third and final task, I merged the two mediums I have together, comparing the similarities and differences between video and photography.
  • We can immediately see the obvious contrast between the two (play the video) – and that is the stillness versus the movement from the video and the image. You can physically see that the video on top (point) is being moved by external forces whilst the photo on the bottom is completely still, as if you are expecting it to move anytime soon (but it won’t!)

Leading up to task four, my idea for the final assignment is to create an experimental and documentary short film that depicts the contrast between man and nature, mainly because of the inspiration behind this project. To me, it will be a form of expression and interpretation translated onto various types of media. As Hannah suggested during the practice panel, one of the ideas for my final project could be looking for a white object, limited to man-made structures and/or bodies in a natural area. On the other hand, I could be looking for plants, trees, foliage in a built-in area, preferably in the city.


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