I’m not going to give you a re-run of every little thing my group and I did over the last few weeks, as that would be immensely boring and of little value. I will however break the project down into five major sections written in individual blog posts. These sections will include: the story, the setup, actors, filming and finalising.

Welcome to the first blog post in this series entitled ‘The Story’.

All good films start with a good story – not true, but it sounds like something a student would open a blog post with right?

All good films don’t start with a good story?

Our films didn’t start with good stories, rather they started with tidbits of an idea. The studio was averse to mythologising the script, being much more interested in the exploration of ideas, so I guess thats why we started with tidbits.

The first of the tidbits were compiled from our presentations to the class. Each of us had a variety of different interests but what overlapped was our interest in: limited dialogue, shooting at night, suburban settings, elements of surrealism, beautiful cinematography and interesting shot choices.

Bell and Rosie were keen on writing scripts and me and Sam we’re keen on doing the dirty work? the clean work? the non-writing work! We ended up with two different scripts, with two different sets of actors but both set in the exact same world, perhaps decades apart, or perhaps days apart – it was ambiguous, but we liked it.

Rosies script was an aus-core love story featuring two octogenarians, whilst Bell’s was a surrealist tale of two young preps wandering around a bowls club. Both seemed cool, so we decided to shoot both at our one dream location: The Thornbury Bowls Club.

Until next time,

Louise Wilson