With all this talk of starting a course blog, i’m beginning to ask myself a few questions: “How much do I actually know about blogging?”, “How many blogs do I actually read?”, “Whats the best way to blog?” and the answer to all these questions is:

  1. A little

Blogs are regularly updated web pages, that are written in an informal way, often relating to a specific topic area, such as politics, art or fashion. They often focus on current, new or up-to-the-minute information as people regularly check blogs for new interesting information and inspiration.

2. A few

Tumblr – A lot of various tumblr blogs.

We And The Color – http://weandthecolor.com/

Bitch Media – https://bitchmedia.org

īGNANT – http://www.ignant.de

The Fox is Black – http://thefoxisblack.com

Empty Kingdom – http://www.emptykingdom.com

Oyster – http://www.oystermag.com

Synaptic Stimuli – http://synapticstimuli.com

The Jealous Curator – http://www.thejealouscurator.com/blog/

Nowness – https://www.nowness.com

3. I’m not exactly sure

A lot of the blogs I visit are art blogs, that focus highly on visual imagery or videos and have very little text, or the text is often purely explaining or giving a bio of the piece. My own art blog is much the same, so text in the blogging game is a new medium for me. However, after reading through a few text heavy blogs, it seems that they all have things in common, they are all:

  • Attention grabbing & retaining
  • Entertaining
  • Written colloquially
  • Focus on new, relevant topics
  • Have interesting visually imagery
  • Simple in writing style
  • Speak directly to the reader
  • Have valuable original content
  • Often written from the writers POV
  • Often reference the writers personal life & personal opinions
  • Often tell a story/flow and summarise at the end
  • Overall try to make the reader happy, engaged & more informed

Hopefully by the end of this first semester I will have mastered the art of blogging, but I think for now focussing on these dot points should keep me in good stead.

Catch you later, Louise Alice Wilson