The Benefits of Hot Yoga

The Benefits of Hot Yoga

Hot yoga does not only feel like its good for you, it has so many benefits that its no wonder that you feel so revitalised once you walk out of the studio. So lets go into a bit of detail about why hot yoga is as uplifting as it is.

  1. As is mentioned above it increases vitality. Doing a morning hot yoga class will put a spring in your step for the rest of the day. In exploring deeper breathing, you will find that you have more energy and regular hot yoga practice is guaranteed to make you feel a whole lot younger.
  2. Yoga of course increases your flexibility, but by practicing yoga in a hot room you are able to stretch deeper than if you were practicing in a cool room. And who doesn’t want to be able to put their head on their knees?
  3. Hot yoga also aids in weight loss. Having stronger flexibility in the muscles actually helps you to lose weight, as it burns fat. More muscles, less fat. In doing hot yoga your metabolism and digestive system will improve and your appetite will be normalised. It seems crazy that yoga can make you go for a piece of fruit over a piece of chocolate but its true! The mind-body connection is sharpened in yoga and therefore you feel the need to look after your body.
  4. We all know that we sweat a lot during a hot yoga class, and in the process are detoxifying our body. You lose a heap of sweat, which contains salts, oils and water during a class, which is beneficial in many ways including giving you super clean skin.
  5. The more you practice hot yoga, the clearer your mind becomes. Focusing on your breathing and movements rather than the chaos of the outside world improves mental clarity.
  6. The improvement of mental clarity could also be linked to the fact that hot yoga practice reduces stress. The chatter of the mind fades away as the inner connectivity increases.
  7. Interestingly enough, your cardio fitness is also improved during hot yoga, as your heart works in the same way doing yoga in a heated room as it does running a mile.