I stalked you on the Internet

In class this week Elliot has asked us to stalk other class members and give feedback on their blogging habits.

I’m having a look at the work of:
& Marcus

I love Nicola’s minimalist layout, her upbeat and conversational tone and her knack for selecting hilarious GIFs. She writes notes on readings like she’s addressing the writer directly, emphasising with Ted Nelson and his desperate hopes for humanity and html. I also enjoyed her post Cabin Fever which left me drooling for a winter escape more than ever. I like the way she incorporates parts of her life outside of the course to give the reader an insight into who she is. I wonder if there would be anyway she could relate posts like this back to Network Media in some way? It would be really interesting to see how she uses her day to day experiences to give her deeper understanding into the course, or even just back to the world of media in general. I would love to read more about how her study relates to the rest of her world.

I like the way Rachel links all the readings to her own opinions, expressing her love for the linear and expressing her expectations for free speech within a liberal democracy. I also liked her inclusion of a Vale Robin Williams post, but I wonder if she could centre the image just to fit with the aesthetic of the blog? I also love her byline ‘Blogging the reel world’, and assume this is a link to her love of cinema. It would be really great to see this incorporated more into her writing, perhaps she could reference her posts back to particular films that they remind her of? Just a thought. I really like Rachel’s writing style and think she covers the scope of the course so far really well.

I really love how Marcus has included a very personal introduction on his homepage, covering his life so far including a childhood spent in the Philippines and the struggles of having to move to Australia mid-adolescence. I found it a little difficult to navigate to his posts, and wonder if he could create a link to a page containing each of his posts. His writing style is quite conversational, including funny images like the classic El Del Paso ‘Por que no las dos’ jpeg. I also like how honest he is about what he gets from each reading, and by talking about how he doesn’t understand certain bits he is actually able to create quite interesting and informative posts.

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