1. It is the proclaimed (but statistically supported) front page of the internet.
2. It was around before facebook, twitter and still has massive social relevance.
3. It doesn’t rely on smartphone apps or location based technology to be popular.
4.It has started a democratic online community where anyone can post content and have that content be voted up or down, without the concept of followers.
5. It is still sporting a Web 2.0 interface and is still one of the most visited sights on the web. (Goes to show that aesthetics are not a crucial element of a site if the content and structure is solid)
6. Is almost addictive.
7. A redditor (content contributor) does not have to provide an email address when registering for reddit.
8. Has the ability to make content go viral though the ‘up voting’ system not just views.(advantages of this, is detectable how the viewer actually felt about.

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