Peer Reviews (Week 7) – I think its determined that we’re over technology…

BADUM-TSSSSS… That was my lame title/pun situation… I’m sorry for making you read that.

You Interwebs know the drill, I find 3 different blog posts and review them, the ideas and concepts present and what my own personal thoughts are on what they have written.

Kenton missed the symposium but I have to agree upon the fact that at this point in our course, us students have “learnt to coil in fear at the mere sound of those two words” (Technological Determinism). YES TEACHER, WE UNDERSTAND THAT TECHNOLOGY IS IMPORTANT.

Simone reflects on the aspect of Narcissism and our image online. While “Adrian argues that it has more to do with perfection” Simone disagrees and thinks that “projecting one’s image seem to imply a lack of internal confidence and is more associated with self-consciousness”. I think that we do project a different self-image online, but this is mainly due to the fact that no one wants themselves to be completely exposed online. I mean, sometimes we can lose control of what we want to say or how we react, but if we were given the opportunity we would carefully choose what parts that people can see of us.

Cassie presents us with a quote ““…all technologies are extensions of human capacities…the computer is an extension of the brain.” Which I’m not disagreeing with, but it’s hard to say that technologies are an extension, but rather created for convenience. There are many tasks out there that can’t be done without certain tools (e.g. Pens) – depending if you think of a tool as a technology or not. I think technologies are created because humans are unable to complete certain tasks without them or that they need a job done more efficiently.

“Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important.”
Bill Gates

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