film/tv analysis reflection 5 – question 3

although it seemed like a relatviely simple scene, that scene from “Blow up” was very technically complicated. there was almost always movement, either of the actors within the fraem or the frame itself. as a director, Anotioni would have had to have done extensive rehersals with both the actors and the camero operators to ensure that the scene goes smoothly. every action would have been choreographed specifaclly to suit a particular framing or a specific camera movement. thus, while directing the film, Antonioni would have had to have worked very closely with his actors to ensure they were getting each action and movement exactly right. this does not only require rehersals beforehand but a close communicative relationship with actors on the day of shooting will be vital to get the necessary movements.

similarly with the camera, there were a large variety of different camera set ups, positions and movements. these movements involved not just tilting or panning the camera but physical camera movement including dollying and tracking. these too would have required lots of rehersals to perfect the movements so they could deliver the correct aesthic. Anotioni would have been working very closely with his DOP and camera operators to get the right pacing of the scene through the movements of the camera and frame.