August 12th 2014 archive

Illiteracy VS Literacy | Week Four Lecture Reflection

It’s always interesting to see where the discussion in the weekly symposiums heads. One simple question can take us to a whole new branch of different concepts for us to consider.

A key thought that I took away is the idea that there is no fine line between being illiterate or literate in any given area. More specifically, there are many different LEVELS of literacy. It is much more appropriate to arrange these levels on a continuum rather than dividing them into two discrete categories.

For example, take network literacy. There is no defined checklist of things you must know or do in order to be given the title of being ‘literate’ in the area. Sure, you might be able to code HTML and CSS to make a simple webpage. Don’t get me wrong, that’s impressive and all, but it is very probable that someone else has a higher level of expertise in the area. They might have a more extensive knowledge of HTML and CSS, or maybe they’re even responsible for the development of the tools you use to input your HTML. However, this does not mean that they are network literate and that you are not. They simply have a higher level of network literacy on the continuum.

I was thinking about this in relation to my own life. I would think that I have a reasonable level of network literacy – I’ve been an avid internet user for 10 years and have experimented with a range of mediums. By no means am I an expert, but I also am not completely naïve. On the other hand, my Mum was quite late to conform to the realms of the Internet. With time and painful teaching procedures however, she has since developed the basic skills necessary to perform Google searches and the like. Have a look at the continuum now:


Evidently, we all lie somewhere on this continuum. I think it is almost impossible to reach the pinnacle at either end.

FRIENDS Lovin’ | Independent

Sorry blog, I’ve neglected you this week!

Picking a favourite television series is a big call to make. There are so many great shows out there that we are almost overwhelmed for choice. Before you make the be all end all decision (just kidding, but seriously), there are several things that you must first consider. In my opinion, the following signs are indicative that a show could in fact be your all time favourite:

-You’ve seen every episode at least three times (and still find it entertaining).

-You find every day situations reminding you of the show.

-You quote it so much that you drive your friends insane.

For me, that show is without a doubt (drumroll please)… FRIENDS! I know it’s a bit of a generic answer, but let’s be honest, it’s the best show ever. It’s not often series that finished ten years ago still resonates with viewers today. Unfortunately I was a bit young for it’s initial release, but discovered it soon enough and it has since been my go-to program. Credit to the creators David Crane and Marta Kauffman, the brilliant crew and of course the awesome cast for piecing together such a timeless series.


My reason for bringing this up is that I came across an entertaining BuzzFeed article titled ’61 Things You Didn’t Know About Friends.’ Although quite a few of these facts were familiar, a fair amount still came as total surprise. One of my favourites being…

‘53. James Michael Tyler was cast as Gunther because he was the only extra who knew how to operate an espresso machine.’

How hilarious! Any Friends fans out there NEED to check this out. Click here!