Symposium Week 7

General Notes:

  • Intent can be lost through context – eg. changing the tone of a sentence changes its meaning
  • Frued – conscious vs. unconscious
  • Semiotics – notion of a signifier and a signified – signifier = the body; signified = what it means
  • “What do you buy at a butchers? A chop. What do you do at a green light? Stop.” – semiotics, tricking brain
  • word gets meaning by the absence of other words which could have been used instead – why it’s the appropriate choice. Only means something by virtue of what it isn’t
  • When you talk, can never be certain that receiver knows what you mean
  • Language is driven by ‘slippage’ and difference
  • Can never guarantee arrival or intent of a message
  • Book doesn’t die with the author
  • Treat readable things as having personalities – intent of author/creator is irrelevant, it’s how you read it
  • Learning how to read against the intent of the text

Is blogging a form of narcissism?

  • Creating an online persona/identity
  • Narcissism = perfectionism?
  • Egocentric = self-obsessed
  • People liking your things on social media – obsessing over yourself through your profile, having your views confirmed, etc.
  • Texts and emails can be interpreted wrong – sarcasm lost, or put on, etc.
  • Lack of empathy online at times – lost through written text – impersonal
  • Traditional notion of privacy is lost – not just online, but in everyday life – eg. you can overhear private phone conversations on the train or in public, people reading other’s text messages
  • Have to assume that everything online is 100% public
  • Data-trails we leave
  • Everyone has the ‘right to be forgotten’- – privacy issue
  • Facebook (and other social network sites) is a surveillance module – only need to know this stuff to target advertisements
  • in terms of network literacy: need to know what you’re signing up for, what privacy is going to be breeched, etc.

1. Which is more important in making a great book, form or content?

  • Book: the Life and Opinions of Tristan Shandy Gentlemen – directly addresses reader – mid 1700s
  • Form of a book generally has a strict structure, but author does have control over this
  • Electronically, authors give up a lot of control over story order
  • Soap opera – repeats points, narrative controlled by form
  • Music is a from that also uses repetition – not giving up authorial control, but conform to from in how you tell a story
  • Not necessarily a connection between digital and networked


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