Story Smash…


Todays class consisted of doing the Story Smash. It was a pretty great experience in figuring out what the aims are for the final project for this class. Me and Bronte actually managed to find a happy medium between our ideas and came up with some extremely useful platforms we could utilise for the project. The thing we did find as a result of this activity is that the simpler the idea the more options you have in regards to the platforms and options you can use. However, in saying that the more sure you are on the plot of the story the more interesting and in depth your multi platforms can become.

I dont really think I would like to do the story that we came up with, mostly the fact I didn’t love my idea that I had but I want to think of something a bit more in depth. I was speaking to a friend who was thinking of doing a political thriller and I think I could implement the things me and Bronte smashed together with that idea. Overall, as a result of this activity and the readings/theories we have discussed I am starting to understand what we should be doing for the final project.

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