Blog 12

Reading Reflections


Jones, Owain and Garde-Hansen, Joanne (eds) 2012 : Geography and
Memory: Explorations in identity, place and becoming, Palgrave
Macmillan, New York


This text aims to shift the focus from collective memory to individual memory. This means focusing on a personal level our ideas of space a place, and how our own personal geography shapes the way we view places.  Drawing upon cultural geography, the book provides an accessible framework to approach key aspects of memory, remembering, archives, commemoration and forgetting in modern societies. This text allows an intensely personal perspective on smaller elements which create meaning, allow myself as a filmmaker the perspective of capturing these elements and considering them when truly trying to evoke personal relationship to space.  I found particularly useful the chapter on mapping grief and memory, as this allowed me to reflect upon how my own emotional mapping is weighted by memory and the elements that are outstanding if I were to capture it for screen.

Bernard, Sheila Curran 2010: Documentary Storytelling,. – Chapter 3:
“Finding the Story”
Documentary storytelling opens with a challenge to the pre conceived notion of a ‘documentary’. It aims to purge the stereotype of a ‘chalk and talk’ film that is dry and lacks the same qualities of that of a Hollywood blockbuster. It aims instead to encourage the creation of works that grapple and hold the attention of their audience, heighten the sensory value and truly accentuate the subject you are portraying and tell their story well.  The book goes on to elaborate in the way the films we should all aim to be producing are made and significantly takes you through the motions of achieving this.

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