Blog 10

This is the week of the final film submission. I thought I’d reflect upon the past few weeks and the struggles we’ve had at bringing this film to life.


Firstly, we failed to tick the mark on some elements relating to the course. Our film captured Jett’s identity beautifully, he speaks his mind freely and expresses himself in the best way he can – physically, through dance.


However for people who don’t know Jett, his origins and why he’s in the places he inhabits, it can become a bit unclear. We were mindful of this and willing to take a lot of this back to the drawing board. We received feedback from a panel of three, honestly their feedback didn’t make a lot of sense. Some of the things they wanted us to change included removing a shot of Jett smoking a cigarette, simply based on the fact that they ‘didn’t expect Jett to be like that’. We did not understand that criticism. So we ignored it.


Some other things related to the order of shots, how they help to establish Jett amongst his places. We particularly wanted to show the contrast between Jett and his pace in comparison to the pace of the environment around him. We had some great shots but chose to re-arrange them into a more beneficial way.

Since then, we have been in contact with Jett from a distance, he’s been sending audio vox pops recorded to his iPhone and sent from a distance. The audio helps guide the film a little better into establishing why he is where he is and what it does for him. We think it’s fitting more into the flow of the film.


It’s coming along nicely.



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