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Development #5 – Rough cut

Rough Cut link:

(Group rough cut – 10mins),%20Lee,%20Yvonne,%20Yiming/text%20and%20rough%20cut/A4.mp4?csf=1&web=1&e=pEEkYb


This week is the second last week of this course study, which means we got less than one week to refine our work until we submit the final video. This course really gives us a great opportunity to explore attunement in nature, and the final group project provides us with a chance to share our thoughts about climate change, by discovering the causes of the case, the seriousness of the matter, we have figured out that there were myriad human-induced activities have implicated in the production of pollution which raised up inestimable man-made destruction to the environment. Through the research of this project, the investigation evidently indicated that the consequence of such a case we are facing at the moment is inseparable from what has been done by humans in the past. We have to admit that human behaviours have taken most of the responsibility for the situation that formed and worsened climate change.

The purpose of this production is meant to be a piece of persuasive advice to convince the public to be aware of such a case, by illustrating the images of the industrial society, builds up a strong contrast by mixing up the clips of nature and urbanisation, thereby creating an emotional focal point that engages the audience in contemplation.

The most successful aspect that comes up in the rough cut will be the comparison between the scenes, and the visual impact of the images and the realism of the video sketches easily fill the audience with a sense of immersion. For instance, the intro starts with about twenty seconds of a black screen with few texts of interrogative sentence on, along with a ticking sound from an Australian traffic light absolutely draws attention in the audience, and raises up an atmosphere of thrill and tension. This can be the way we plan to emphasize the seriousness of the relationship between human activities and climate change.

The feedback received in the class exactly points out the flaws that obviously we have lack of consideration in the video making, which is the image showing the consequence of pollution is not outstanding enough to be an alert to the public. This is what we have to improve and find a way to reinforce the motivation in the audience. We have got to reorganise the sequence of the video clips and present our ideas in a more complete and coherent form.

Published inSeeing the UnseenSensing Climate Change

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