Who said Celebrities aren’t wise…

Who said Celebrities aren’t wise…

Celebrities, particularly Hollywood celebrities, tend to be seen as more of as rushing rivers than still waters. Basically they’re shallow as hell with no real depth to them. They’re surrounded by ‘scandal’, superficial friendships and “what are you wearing” making them feel like a different species void of the hardships of ordinary people. So when they come out and say something profound, shock horror! These people have brains, they think, they learn, they feel just like we do!

Here is prime example, funny guy Ashton Kutcher recently won award at The Teen Choice Awards, and expecting a shallow speech of gratitude, he hit us with this little golden nugget of wisdom that will definitely positively influence the teens of today

There you go people, OPPORTUNITY, BE SEXY, BUILD A LIFE. I think that’s got a lot of wisdom in it, don’t you?