Demo Practise

Georgia, Linh and I reserved some time in the studio to record a demo. This was great as we needed some practise time with the panel and just to get used to being in the studio.

It was hard because we didn’t have all the content that we were going to have for our proper show so Linh and Georgia spent a bit too much time just having to talk pointlessly between themselves, which obviously wasn’t what was going to happen during our show.

I was panelling and my main struggle was using the system that has all the promos and sponsorship announcements. I’ve used a panel before when I was presenting in Canberra but we didn’t have a system with sponsorships etc. so as much as I generally felt comfortable with the panel, I found using that different. I made a couple of mistakes with it but by the end I felt pretty confident that I would be fine using it for our show on the 11th.

The music was all the same and we had brought it in on a USB, so I was able to play it straight off that. That was strange having all of it on the USB because it means using the computer and it’s more difficult to do a good transition between 2 songs if you are playing one after the other.

I also used audition to record the demo and all of that went smoothly. It made it easy to then put that onto my USB and then upload it onto ROAR.

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