Korsakow: A Chrome Browser Problem

When you export your Korsakow film and then view it on your computer in a browser the URL will begin with file://. This tells you you’re viewing the work on your computer, not via the internet. If you’re using Chrome there’s a know problem (which might be Flash, it might be Korsakow, I’m not sure and don’t really care) where if there is a space anywhere in the path to the file then it won’t work. A space, when rendered for HTML becomes %20%(which is why everything you put on the web has no spaces in file or folder names, as %20% is complicated to say and type as part of a URL).

So, if you are using Chrome, and you load your project after exporting it on your computer, and it doesn’t appear, and in the URL that begins with file:// you see %20% appearing anywhere, that’s probably the problem. The fix? move the exported project to somewhere else on your computer where there aren’t spaces in the folder or file names. Be careful of fixing it by changing names of where it currently is, as that can break your project (because Korsakow will remember where your media files are by using the names of the folders that contain them, if you change the names of the folders containing your project then you could be in trouble).