Symposium 07 Questions

Carry over questions from last week:

From Bogost reading:

  1. Apart from reminding us that narrative is made up of ‘everyday stuff,’ what can lists achieve as a literary device?
  2. Why and to what end are we to be freed from the ‘tyranny of representation’?
  3. Bogost writes ‘lists do not just rebuff the connecting parts of language but rebuff the connecting of being itself.’ How do lists do this?
  4. If a list was to be created through a random non-human selection is a narrative still created?


  1. Why has google not brought out Korsakow as it seems like a relevant tool/application for working with online video and ongoing developments with YouTube?
  2. Will multilinear videos become part of mainstream mass media or will they always be a niche part of new media content?
  3. Are k-films hierarchical because you are trying to define something without a structure by applying it to something with a structure?

Rascaroli, Laura. “The Essay Film: Problems, Definitions, Textual Commitments.”

  1. How would you distinguish between an essay and documentary film when both can have exploratory and creative elements?
  2. How can you say a film essay is not a genre when it is categorised by the author as something else?
  3. Films are about interpretation and personal knowledge – does this type of interpretation and personal knowledge transfer readily onto a k-film when making it into a type of essay?
  4. With the emphasis placed on the viewer’s interpretation and the role it plays in defining meaning – is it possible for a piece of work based on classification being free from interpretation, opinion and speculation?