okay this is actually 4srs


We did good.

A brief outline of the day
11:00am – I’m at uni trying to finish this stupid presentation. The live twitter feed is still not working so I’m exploring other options here. Strea.ma looked good until it told me I was using a free version every minute or so. Currently liking the look of Wall of Silver because it actually shows photos that are posted with the tweet. Can’t get it into the presentation though sooooo
1:00pm – I am hungry. I forgot to have lunch. Twitter feed is still giving me grief.
2:00pm – Meeting up with Kate and the others to get props, tech equip, cupcakes (gracias Steph), and our bums over to Building 80. This takes longer than realised and it’s quickly 2:45pm and we have no props, no twitter feed that actually updates on the fly, and no movement from anyone. Stress.
3:00pm – Okay, now we have props and are in Building 80 setting up. Less stress.
3:30pm – About to lose it with the Steering Committee. Go tweet yourself. Literally.
4:00pm – I am on the floor, pressing buttons on a wireless mouse on a cushioned stool in front of a tv screen mounted on the bottom of a desk. I will be here for the next hour and a half. Stupid RMIT cords that decide not to pick up audio from anything other than the PC in the room. At least they could’ve had a Mac with Bootcamp so everyone is happy.
5:30pm – Leg cramps have finally stopped because this seminar is over.
6:00pm – Biscuits are stashed in my pockets and the props have been returned.
6:15pm – Finally finished. I forgot to have lunch.

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