nm week 4

Weekly thoughts

If I was being honest, this week’s readings was more enjoyable than some of the others that I came across. I read ‘Understanding New Media’ by Eugenia Serpia in order to have a better understanding of media and its different terms. The one thing I can assure from the readings, lectures, and tutorials is that new media is evolving and this happens over time. New media always has the potential to expand and social media is what emerges from the new media. Moreover, the growth of social media will be limited and may vary depending on the space of the size or space of new media. However, the form of new media will also affect the growth of the social media emerging within it. I was able to have a better insight into this content through the example of a metaphor Elaine explained. She used an elaborated that social media was a root growing inside of a container in which represented new media and this resulted in a leaf which was Instagram.  I guess the term new media is useful because it allows people to think of the interrelationship between technological innovations and communication practices without people being biased. Moreover, if I start to think of contemporary media as new media, it helps me perceive the novelties and its ability to continually evolve over time. If I take what Serpia addressed that generally understanding media will allow people to understand humanity (Serpia 2012), then, I would like to make the initiative to understand the actions of others by learning more about how media and new media works.

Serpia, E 2012, Understanding New Media, Sage Publications, London, United Kingdom


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