April 2016

Safdie Brothers: Hand Held Camera


I didn’t think I wanted to venture into the hand held camera style, as it often reminds me of a crappy Mockumentary style shoot, and people trying to create comedy through that overused genre. However in drama maybe hand held styles work a lot more beautifully. The Safdie Brothers successfully film using hand held camera, shooting from long angles and focal lengths, often having moments of a shot that are covered by pedestrians or cars. The frame is often very tight on characters faces or bodies and is shot using a long zoom. This is probably something that I would be advised to stay away from however I really love the intimacy these shots create. Even though its obvious the camera is far from the actor, we get to see these characters deep within their environment with more emphasis on their smaller reactions. I’m really focused on location and character I think this hand held camera technique also creates a realness and movement along side a character. I’d like to see how I can create the same type of intimacy using this technique.

I noted the soundscape in this film is very busy and raw sounding. I like that the ambient city noise is quite loud and the dialogue, still loud enough to hear, blends into the background noise as well. I feel once again that this enables to film to feel real, its almost crossing into the documentary style shoot, however it is a scripted drama.

I didn’t take much from the actual story, It felt slightly cliché to me. The whole balloon story thing is a bit to cute and romantic for me, but I think it’s been shot really beautifully and the acting is wonderfully real. I’d love to find actors that are so natural and brutally normal, in order to create genuineness.