Gianella Rodriguez

media student


In my self-portrait I tried to present myself through a kind of visual diary entry. The beginning and end of the video are flanked with a piece of written text as well as video of me writing in my actual journal. These pieces of media are there to create the structure of the video but they are also there to represent my love of writing. All the text found in the video comes from my personal journal. The middle, representing the ‘diary entry’ itself, shows videos and images that communicate who I am.

The video’s narrative was driven mostly by the audio. I ended up starting with the audio and choosing the videos and images in relation to it. I also trimmed and placed the media so that it fit the audio the best. It was strange to me because I never considered audio to such a big factor in moving along the narrative but I found that in my case, it was. There is audio of me and my parents outside watching the International Space Station go past. This one is not as self explanatory as the voiceover but it serves to make this section of the ‘diary entry’ more personal – as if it’s a memory.

I think the most successful part of the self portrait is its structure. I was able to have a beginning, middle and end despite the short amount of time. I wanted the audience to be able to follow a story or a theme throughout the video. The least successful part of the self-portrait was probably the incorporation of the images. It was difficult to think of creative ways to weave the images in with the video smoothly. I think I saw it as a hindrance and should have thought of it more as a creative challenge to overcome. I need to be more open minded when I come across difficulties.

I also need to be more open to feedback. I’m quite afraid of criticism, even when it’s constructive, but I think continuous feedback sessions in the workshop environment will help me overcome that.

Media 1reflection

gianella • 24/03/2017

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