Project Update [On The Frame]

Just a stream of consciousness I’m having about my project to prepare for the group update this week ~

So I am investigating movement re: point of view/subjectivity and objectivity

In attempting to emulate subjective point of view from the perspective of the human eye I’ve found that perhaps why handheld movements are considered to be subjective are because they mimic human movement. I’ve done this my literally putting the camera in front of my eyes

However something I’ve been thinking about is that it’s probably not enough to simply mimic human movement because the reality is, if you heard a noise from the side of you in real life, you would be able to look. But the cinematic effect is typically that they want to restrict story information from you to build suspense. So there can really be quite a limited view if you’re mimicking the human eye and although it tries to be subjective maybe nothing is really subjective as it is IRL???

Also I’ve been thinking about two different scenarios, which came up recently:

  • The ways that story info can be restricted from the viewer and then revealed using movement
  • The ways that story info can be restricted from the character or subject but shown to the audience using movement
  • In this way neither is particularly subjective or reflective of the character’s point of view because the audience’s experience is different

Had a go at trying linear movement to see how impersonal this feels

Have some footage – to me this feels impersonal because how it doesn’t mimic natural movement, but at the same time it shows so much of the environment using movement that you think – am I apart of this world of the character

Being out of the body movement rather than camera as natural movement in this way does feel partially objective however unsure if the lines between natural/linear movements are completely different because does anything reflect anything idk though obviously some movements are more subjective and reflective of points of view than others

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