Reflection – School Leadership Spill

It’s interesting being able to recognise certain techniques within comedy news and satire, particularly as we move in to the final stages of the course. Although we watched this comedy sketch from The Feed around the mid way point of the semester, I found it SO funny. I thought it was worth looking at again given the nature of the content, particularly as we move into the preparation stages of our final project.

The piece sets itself up as a comedic skit from the outset and obviously points to what it is satirising – the Liberal leadership spill – through its content and its title. Putting this political affair in a school setting is a really effective way of communicating the point of the skit, which is to parody Australian politics and liken it to a school ground fight to point out the ludicrousness of it. The explicit references to specific moments in our political history, such as the same-sex marriage debate, is not only extremely clever writing, but was damn funny too.

This piece definitely serves as great inspiration for our final project, which is also centred around Australian politics. Though we may not necessarily be using parody much throughout the piece, it’s interesting to see the different approaches people take towards similar topics. This is one of the few sketch comedy style satire I remember watching throughout the semester, which is a nice change of pace from traditional news-anchor style segments. I like the way The Feed has utilised parody and combined two seemingly unrelated points of interest. Also, as a side note, you should read the comments on the video. They’re wild and funny in itself.

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