Is it really the best way?

Week 3 involved a Paul Graham reading called The Age of the Essay.

I have always wondered if the way we are told to learn is the best way to actually learn .

Essays supposedly allow students a practical and theoretical outlet for developing, arguing and giving evidence to support an idea. Maybe I can offer this praise because I always enjoyed writing them? I was just good at them. However, while travelling through my school years, many of my friends struggled with the concept of writing to a set, streamlined and strategic style. Their wonderful and complex ideas were lost within the worry and distress of actually getting it onto paper.

There are better ways of learning the same lessons those old school essays teach us. Blogging for example. It a free style, come as you are space (at least thats how I interpret it). Write what you think, chuck a link to another page, that further enhances your idea, and a funny photo that proves your point. Bazing Bazang you have just made a point and justified yourself.

Move over Oxford scholars, we whipper snipper bloggers are on the rise!


Felicia Gomez

Professional Communication Student RMIT University- Melbourne

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