Feedback Session

FullSizeRenderIt was suggested that I use the MC50 to experiment with capturing overlay footage as an abstract exercise to experiment with audio and previously collected footage in the next series of editing exercises I will do. Editing seems to be the next big part of this project for me especially in relation to audio and the different kinds of sounds I want to incorporate in this project.

Previously I had taken a bit of footage at my own home and on Penelope’s street so Paul suggested I go much further with this and start capturing all sorts of footage that interests me. This is not only a portrait about Penelope and my interpretation of her through creation of a media artefact/s but also an expression of my first experience making a short film or series of short films. I hadn’t considered this until yesterday but it struck me that there could be a lot more to my investigations in terms of content, things that also mean a lot to me as well as using Penelope’s material as inspiring subject matter. Regardless of what this ends up being, I would like to make a final piece for Penelope to use and be proud of but that piece might be quite different from whatever else I create as my Final PB for films 3.

Paul also suggested that I should focus more on her piano and story telling and leave the singing alone. I do agree with him I think the singing brings a kind of different energy and makes her almost the same as other singers we hear on the TV all the time especially with X Factor and The Voice and other TV shows like that. It makes her less of a point of difference despite how good a singer she may be. This doesn’t mean I can’t use vocals in a different way later down the track.

Editing as the next exercise is going to be a big part of my journey as a filmmaker I feel like my lack of skill in that area is what is holding me back from making my ideas into a reality. It’s not enough to have a good conceptual idea you need to know how to execute it, like anything in life. I will get premiere today and start getting on top of that. And my next exercises will be using the footage and audio I have gathered so far and seeing what I can create with that. This will inform what and how I shoot next. Tomorrow I have a sit down where I will start this in the edit suits.


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